Hey. Noticed you didn't come to the meeting earlier.

Didn't feel like it.

Just like you didn't feel like coming to the last few meetings?

Why does it matter to you?

I'm worried about you, ||||||.

I know you haven't gotten over it yet.

Don't start. DON'T start that with me.

||||||, please. I just want to talk. Everyone's worried about you.

What, worried I'm gonna off myself just like |||||| did?

||||||! You KNOW it's not like that!

Then what's it like, ||||||?

How am I supposed to go to your stupid little meetings after what happened? I can't stand being there! Everyone acts like nothing ever happened! Everyone just- moved on so fast!

None of us ever moved on! But it's still our duty to oversee humans and inhumans!

I know it's hard, and I KNOW you miss him a lot. But we can't allow this to

I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT. Duty this, duty that, YOU get to rule over the underworld and torture the people that drove |||||| to kill himself!

|||||| was my best friend. He's the only person who ever truly understood me, and now he's GONE.

You act as if I enjoy the act of tormenting the sinners! Do you have any idea how demoralizing it is to see them endlessly pile up? I WISH I didn't constantly get more people to-

No... That's besides the point. I'm sorry I pushed everyone to move on too quickly, that was my mistake... But I miss him a lot too. He was like a brother to me. We understood each other perfectly.

You too, huh... I... Never really knew much about what he did with the others, I just knew what he was like when he was with me.

Same here. I'm so sorry for yelling at you earlier, I

Stop apologizing, I don't blame you. I started yelling first. I'll try to attend more of those dumb meetings, alright?

Thank you, but- please, take all the time you need. Just don't cut all contact like that again, we were all very worried.

I won't.

What... What was he like around you?

He was truly wonderful. He'd often come down to my domain for visits and we'd chat about what was happening on the surface. We even collaborated to make entirely new creatures, like the magma golems that still guard my palace to this day.

You too, huh... The uh- wraiths guarding my campsite were his idea, I really like them.

I'm... Sorry for vanishing so suddenly. I've been feeling terrible since he passed. The last thing I ever said to him was "see you next week".

It wasn't even anything meaningful. I didn't get to properly say good bye, or love you, or- ANYTHING.

It's not your fault. You couldn't have known what would happen.

I know, I just... I wish I was there to talk him out of it. Maybe things would've been different.

That shouldn't be your burden to live with. If ANY of us had been there, maybe we could've talked him out of it. That's why we need to stick together from now on.

It's going to be okay, I promise.

Okay... When's the next meeting?

This Friday.

Alright, see you on Friday. Stay safe, okay? Love you.

Love you too, sis.