I finally have my own bedroom! Now all I need is a BED. And some lights.

Kinda dark in here.

That's right! I've been gone all this time because I was doubling the size of my house~!

Now it's two stories tall, and I plan to add even more rooms in the future!

First things first, I need to make myself a bed. I'm really tired after all this, it's been like- a straight MONTH of scavenging nearly.

I can feel a breakthrough on the horizon though...

I'm learning so much from every world I visit. Heck, I'm learning even from this void I'm in.

Who knows how much I'll know by the next time you guys see me? I really wanna push my limits. I'm gonna make you guys proud!

Maybe next time we meet, I'll have something TRULY amazing... Can't make any promises though.

Just know that the support you've all shown is what keeps me going no matter how hard it rains, no matter how many portals I have to explore...

I love you all, and I'll see you soon!