Alrighty, here's the scoop.

Nice place huh? Built it myself!

It's been a while since we last met, no matter how long ago you actually COMPLETED me.

Time works different for people like me. You can patch me up in thirty years, and I'll still have been put back together on February 14th 2023.

It's nothing too strange mind you, basically just... No matter when you do stuff, time in my world keeps on goin' as if you did it the moment you could've.

Anyways, enough about time! Let's talk about you, me, and everything goin' on! I haven't seen you in MONTHS, I really missed you y'know? I wanted to keep in touch, so I made a website like one of those old school blogs!!

I haven't been up to much admittedly, I've been scavenging the uh... Let's call it "backstage". I'm not gonna say back rooms because apparently that's a totally different thing now.

I managed to dig up an old unused background with a few assets lying around, so I've got some furniture and a house! Before you get worried, I don't really mind the situation. Initially it was really scary, y'know? Drifting between dimensions...

But you'd be surprised how much stuff you can find on reality's cutting room floor! I'll probably have more stuff in here over time... I will say though, it's lonely. That's why I had an idea...

Let's actually get to know each other! I'm inviting every single person who knows I exist to ask me questions and tell me stuff about yourselves! We're going full on blog mode!

Until then, I'll just be relaxing here. See you all soon, love you!

Ah heck I almost forgot to tell you how to even submit questions!

Y'know that discord server where the people who like the game hang out? Scroll ALLLLLLL the way to the top of "Dimension Quest Stuff". Some guy was talking about... Molerats??? That's a good keyword to use the good ol' ctrl + f on!