Woah, you guys were quick!

Got myself a shelf!

Okay! I've gotten some mail already, this'll be fun! First question's from a person named Fellow... Fellow, Fella- sounds funny.

"What's gonna happen to that whole Valentines EX event thing now that you're free? Will it even last?" - Fellow

Great question! That old thing's gonna stick around forever, for reasons I'm actually gonna talk about in the NEXT question! This one's from a little guy named Eureka.

"So, uh, if I never took part in the Valentines EX event, how are you even here? Do you exist in a quantum superposition?" - Eureka

Technically speaking, yes! It's difficult to really explain because my understanding of quantum physics is, itself, unknowable until I actually try to measure it. The best way to look at it is...
Me and the others are always going to be in this position. Because of how time works, YOU'LL always be able to access Valentines EX and put me back together even if I'm technically right here on this couch talking to you!
Think of it like... Everyone gets their own little version of me to fix, and they all feed back into the ACTUAL me here on the website! Next question is from one of my besties, Momo!

"what is is about gigandra that you admire so dearly?" - Momo

What's NOT to admire? She's perfect in every way! She's exactly what I was born to be! I'm supposed to be just like her... Growing, shrinking, smashing people with frying pans, and helping my friends... Anyways, next question!

But I'm not her. Not yet.

"Oh poor dolly... You need a big hug don’t you?" - Kalloni

I'd love that a whole lot! I don't really need it though, honestly I'm quite comfy right here! Neeext!

I recognize you. You're one of HER alts. Why do you get to be there for free, but I have to be hidden away?

"Why do you break apart by the next Valentines? Why are you also so cute?" - JayyyyyyyyyyyyyyD

Well JayyyyyyyyyyyyyyD, I don't! Next valentines I'll be just as clean as I am now! As for why I'm so cute, um... Uhh... I didn't actually think I was all that cute, thank you though! Next!

"Is that couch comfy?" - Ponika

In all honesty? Um... I wouldn't know. I don't have a central nervous system down there, it's mostly in my hands and head. The couch does feel really squishy and soft though!
Plus, it gives me something to sit on. It's always nice to sit down instead of hovering everywhere.

Anyways, that's all for the first batch of questions... I've gotta cut things here, since I need to go clean up. See you guys around, next time I'll have more to talk about!