O-Oh, hi! Um- you c-caught me at a bad t-t-time...

So cold... Why is it so cold?

S-So, fun thing I f-f-found out an hour ago...

A-As it turns out, i-it RAINS between dimensions!

R-R-Really cold rain too! A-And... Sticky... I-I don't really know how else to describe it...

I-It just drips e-e-everywhere and spreads like mold... I-I really need to get rid of it once the rain stops...

Something p-p-passed over my "house" earlier. I-It looked like a hole into... Another dimension.

I-I saw a girl there, a green and yellow one... S-She was dealing with a lot of water too. I-I-It just kept spreading everywhere...

I hope... I hope she'll be okay...

A-Anyways, u-um... The rain should be l-letting up soon! Let's warm up with some q-questions! Sounds good, r-right?

T-Time for round two! O-Once I find the time, I-I'll answer all your questions... And h-hopefully, HOPEFULLY I can tell you more about myself.

S-See you around next time, friends!

Oh god it's coming down harder...