Nice and toasty this time!

Whaddya think of my house? That's right, I built this WHOOOOLE thing by myself!

Another hole opened up, this one lead to a way nicer world though. A lot less rain, at least...

It was a lot blockier than I'm used to, but... Check out what I borrowed from there, it's a whole FURNACE!

I also managed to dig up a few materials from there and even a few from other worlds I've seen through portals... And with that furnace and my table serving as a work bench, I was able to make a ton of stuff!

Honestly, I was really nervous about this stuff at first. But- creating stuff is so much easier than I was expecting with all these tools~! Your girl's learning a buncha new tricks!

I've even got something else to show, buuuut it'll have to wait until after the questions okay?

First question...

"How far can you stretch your arms? I hope it's not painful to." - Hat Boy

Huh, fun question... Well, I think the furthest I can go is liiiike... This. My right arm's wrapped all the way around the back of the couch, ALMOST down to the floor! Doesn't even hurt! Next~!

"Hi Dolly!!! Sorry that it's raining but hopefully you can wring yourself out of the water! I wanna know where you're finding these things! Maybe you can find a roof!" - Kalloni

I'm all dry now, thanks for asking! I actually tried looking for a roof for a LONG while but nothing ever turned up, so I built my own! Who's next? Oh-

"what color is your heart" - MOTW

So um this is a really weird question because I actually HAVE seen my heart and it's pink. But please don't ask anything like that again. Next?

"Dolly's back!! Wait, so that means there CAN be gateways to other places in that home of yours... Have any other portals like that spawned in there or was that the only one so far?" - Fellow

There are tons of portals actually! I can't reach most of them because of how far away some are though. The blocky world was just BARELY within reach- and I had to jump across floating debris just to get to it! I'm going to do more exploring in the future, but I'll need some better gear...

"So other dimensions are a thing, huh? Can you interact with things beyond those holes you mentioned or is it more like a one-way mirror?" - Eureka

Mhm! It's a little nerve wracking though, I try not to go through any portal for too long because I'm worried it'll slam shut behind me and leave me stranded. For now I just scavenge whatever I can immediately see through the portal.

"Hey Dolly! I hope you've found a way to keep yourself dry. Do you have any spare clothes or something to replace them with if they get too drenched? Again, I hope all is well." - Ponika

I've managed to dry myself off just by twisting and turning a whole bunch and getting some sunlight from the other dimensions. Thanks for the concern though, Pon-Pon!

"hmm... what hobbies have you picked up?" - Momo

Hobbies, huh? I've been collecting and solving those cute little puzzle cubes a lot more recently. Weirdly enough I've actually developed a bit of a thing for building and designing, too! It's why it took so long for me to get back to you guys; I had the wall and roof made like two weeks ago but I just kept adding more stuff like different bricks, windows, and proper style to it.

Alright, time for the big one. Check THIS out!