Got some new lights, comfy huh~?

And I fixed the furnace!

See? Told you guys I wouldn't take long this time!

Not much has changed since you guys last came here. I'm working on the Observatory next, it'll be REAL special this time.

I reverse-engineered that furnace so I could make my own, this one a little less uh... Chunky. I also made an anvil, so I can do more work with metals!

I've been seeing more portals recently... I'm still a little nervous about adventuring too far into one, but- check out this cute flower I got from the grassy hillsides in another dimension!

You've probably noticed but I don't have a kitchen yet so this cup was one I had to borrow. It actually comes from my own dimension, funnily enough. Never tried coffee before, maybe it'll help me work.

I wish I had more to say, but- in all honesty? I'm SUPER tired out right now man... Like, do you have any idea how hard it is to MAKE an ANVIL with mitten hands?

That's why I set some time aside to make something much nicer... Come upstairs, lemme show you!

Maybe upstairs?